At the gate of the New Time Cycle (HUNGARIAN language)

15,00 $



This grand journey inside was prepared for the Winter Solstice on 21 December 2012, when stepping into the heavenly sanctuary of the Alliance of the Light, after a personal and collective inner inventory we – with the help of the community of the Lightworkers – could close a great chapter of the history of Planet Earth with its karmic history of the past 26 thousand years, to step onto a new level in the spiritual sense, after a serious spiritual evolution.

This inner pathway takes us to such an interdimensional gate and a Heavenly sacred place where you can experience a very powerful healing of your physical body and your light-body, where all the inner content can be measured according to the 5th dimensional vibration level. You can also look into a mystical world where the highest vibrational Divine Destiny of Planet Earth and all its inhabitants can be sensed, revealed and understood from. Then uniting with this Destiny, we can enter the New Time Cycle that has been connected to our planet since the Global Correction of Fate on 29 December, 2007; so that a completely new creative cycle can begin there and we can draw our life into the contours of the Future according to the higher dimensional principles and Divine qualities. We will be awaited by a special rapture and the secret of such a mystical spiritual realm that we are rarely given the chance to see into and which is a great honor and privilege to meet!

This healing meditation could be useful if we want to break away from the old and painful creative patterns, which create suffering and if we would like to guide ourselves and the creative processes of our life in accordance with our higher dimensional Divine Destiny.

(And finally, we would like to ask all our Sisters and Brothers in Light to respect the Constitution of the Alliance of Light and the universal principle of giving in return and honor our work by not copying, multiplying this material in any means and also by not supporting any such abuses.)

Cover art by Emese Szabados, ©

Digital version, mp3

Hungarian language

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Have a nice journey!


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