We are very pleased to announce that we have created and can now make available the extremely complex and detailed theoretical material that examines the root of the ancient pain of Black Moon Lilith. Using this information, we offer another remote healing available online. This healing offers healing for the the deep physical and mental wounds carried by Black Moon Lilith.
In June 2023, we integrated Black Moon Lilith into the Antares Code. Behind Lilith lies an ancient, primarily female, pain pattern that was initiated on a galactic level. But this pain is constantly recurring and is present in our solar system and, of course, on Earth’s.
We share the full and detailed theoretical background as an introduction to the spiritual healing of this pain. We can say that Lilith’s archetypal symbol and interpretation symbolizes, among other things, the mirror of our inner underworld, which we have developed as a response to the hurt and damaged emotional content awakened by the oppression, expulsion, humiliation, devaluation, and abuse suffered in our past in the struggle for survival. The pain of Lilith pushes us towards regaining our autonomy, freedom, self-worth, free will and dignity.
The Black Moon Lilith in our Antares Code shows us where and how we struggle for freedom. Behind our struggle we carry the deep-buried wounds and scars of the oppression we experienced earlier. This often awakens shadowy reactions, great external and internal struggles, passions, deficits, and pains. By gaining this profound understanding of our wounding, we can find the mystical key to the redemption of our “shadow self”. This is a pathway that can be undertaken primarily by spiritually mature souls capable of sincere humility, in whom the desire for Light and the Divine/Goddess rapture works more deeply than anything else. And that is why we know that those who undertake this will be able to use this spiritual experience to a depth never before experienced. Through understanding and release one can achieve the catharsis of coming home in Grace.
Lilith’s astrological position, alignments, house position, and qualities in her sign reflect the inner process known as the “dark night of the soul.” We believe that if we manage to find the deepest possible roots, the ancient causes, we can turn this whole long chain of pain and self-harming, self-defeating mechanisms, into the Mystery of Grace. We can release the pain into the Light and finally redeem our wounds from the “Lilith problem”.
Surely this healing will resonate more deeply with those who, according to Star Nations terminology, embarked on the Cosmic Human path on a spiritual level, especially those who started on the female path of Iota. And those who recognized within themselves the destiny codes of the Serpent Priestesses and the Big Cat, associated with the Goddess mysteries will also find a deep resonance. In them, this teaching and meditative journey can bring a particularly deep solution, much recognition, and spiritual liberation in connection with internal processes and circles of suffering that have hitherto been little understood by them.
We would even say that if the shadow of Black Moon Lilith is lifted in a relationship and family, the relationship can be taken to a whole new level, a new life together can begin, in which possible rivalries, struggles for dominance, and hidden mistrust can be replaced by peace, mutual respect, reassuring love, the experience of equality, and the power of co-creation.
Therefore, this journey can be experienced even on the level of relational healing, in which couples can heal together in the light of a new understanding, reconciling and lifting each other.
In preparation for the 2024 Year of the Great Felines and Dragons, we were called to look deeper into the expulsion and wounding of the feminine at last year’s Autumn Equinox Celebration, and then the first in-person healing for our group took place on January 14, 2024.
Now we would like to offer this extraordinary opportunity to members of our extended stellar family, which can be a perfect continuation of the root release of Chiron’s pain, opening up and making available a whole new level that can receive the soul-healing touch of this Mystery of Grace.
We hope that this experience will bring a very deep relief and a truly liberating light experience to all participants!
Dr. Beatrix Czeizel and Anikó Greskó

Here are some practical guidelines for applying:
This online remote healing is available in small groups and the maximum number of applicants for each advertised session is 20-35 people.
You can register by completing the form below which asks you to provide certain personal data. It is especially important that we know the location you will connect from. We will also need a photo. In the comment section, you can briefly state your focus for healing in a few words or sentences. That is, in what area of life are you most looking for a solution and healing. Linking with us in this way will also help you tune in during this distance healing.
(You can send your completed application form by pressing the Submit button, and after successful registration you will receive an automatic confirmation letter. If you don’t see this in your emails, please check your spam or promotional folder as well. If you can’t find our letter there either, write to info@yahunagaia.hu and we will clarify your registration.)
This therapy session usually starts in the morning or in the later afternoon on the scheduled day (depending on your time zone) and lasts about 4-5 hours.
Price: $130 US Dollars that you will transfer via your bank card through the safe stripe system during the checkout process,
The day before our session we will send another email to you. This will contain the access codes to the dropbox account that holds all our session files, i.e. we will give you the key to enter the “Stellar Sanctuary of Healing”.
It is important to work together with the members of the group being formed, i.e. synchronously. This establishes that the energetic release sent from a distance reaches everyone in rhythm with the given mental focus that needs to be kept when dealing with flow of the topics being addressed. Nevertheless, knowing the principle of the universal quantum field, we can know that we actually meet timelessly, if you like, outside of time, so you are not excluded if you do not manage to connect in the time slot when we are doing the energetic dissolution. Although there is no doubt that this provides an amplifying effect that can create the most ideal and deeply felt form of distance healing. The files will be available until midnight on your session day, so you can repeat listening if you wish, or if you do need to come in at a different time, the pathway will be there.
(The same spiritual material will be available on all announced occasions, so you can choose the time that is convenient for you. And, of course, engaging in this healing can be repeated if you feel the need)
Additionally, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that in order to receive and interpret theoretical knowledge, it is important to have your Antares code and even your solar return Antares code for the current year prepared, because this will make the transmitted information even more personal and understandable!
It is not an absolute requirement to read our book Stellar Nations–Soul Families and to fully understand your Antares code, but of course knowing it can bring you more depth and awareness, because in this way karmic resolution can take place at galactic level during relaxation into the meditation path.
So, it is possible to experience the healing without as much awareness of the Galactic stories and your personal code this way, but it will be worth repeating it at a later time with even greater awareness after reading Stellar Nations-Soul Families.
When healing the root of pain that Lilith holds, you should first of all know the place of Black Moon Lilith in your chart, because in this distance healing we will deal with this. If you know the house and astrological sign of your Lilith placement the matrix of your individual wounding can be better understood and this is the basis that we will be working from. (One of the Dropbox files gives you a complete understanding of the varying pain patterns carried by Lilith in each house and astrological sign, so you will have a deep focus of self understanding from this material.)
If you ordered your birth Antares code before June 2023, you won’t see Lilith’s location and alignments in your formula yet, so you may want to order again.
The book contains an explanation and history of the fixed stars in the Antares Code, so understanding will gradually unfold as you read.
You can order your Antares Code here:
Application form