The Holy Spirit Healing Mystery

Session 2 – Working on the Mental and Karmic Level

3-4 Hours Guided Remote Healing Journey (in small groups)

Dear Stellar Sisters and Brothers,

We would like to share an exciting and new opportunity and invite you to participate in a beautiful healing mystery related to the teachings of the Stellar Nations and Calling You.

Many joined the guided “Redemption Path of the Cosmic Humans” remote healing mystery earlier, and many of you have participated in session 1 of the Holy Spirit mystery.

Now we offer the further opportunity to travel with the guided Healing Mystery of the Holy Spirit while we work remotely with your Light-body to support that healing. We will do this in small groups and the details are below.

In the Year of the Holy Spirit (2021), many more mysteries have been revealed and we have come to see more deeply that the universal quantum field is actually the Light-Body of the Holy Spirit. So, the space of apparent emptiness around us is filled with a wonderful divine intelligence and wisdom that can lead to the restoration of our deep sense of unity with God and the Goddess, with the Divine Source of all life, bringing us into our own wholeness. 

We can sum up the essence of this healing mystery very briefly by saying that from the point of view of the Holy Spirit, all pain and suffering is based on certain past events that were experienced with a deep charge of great emotional pain. And at the very core, at the deepest root of this pain, is the moment when we stepped out of our connection with Universal Source. This point of losing the sense of unity with Divine Source is experienced as a severing. Some event, decision, or action severed us from the primordial feeling of love, of being loved by God and the Goddess. This brought a sense of loss and of being lost. With this we likely lost our trust in Divine Providence, as well.

When viewed from the perspective of our soul, we can see that this root pain grows offshoots of new suffering as we continue to step out of the Line of our Divine Fate. Once entangled in this process, our inner sufferings create complicated knots of fate.

The Holy Spirit, as Divine Intelligence, points out these knots of fate and these ancient roots of pain. Then it leans close to us, embracing us with sacred sounds that fill the space of apparent emptiness with the whispers of the Divine Breath.

The sacred incantations of the Holy Spirit are magic spells that are able to transmute and enlighten these old wounds, lifting them into light, health, joy, faith, and all that we are able to let ourselves experience.

It is important to understand that every physical, emotional and spiritual pain, and every knot of fate creates an anomaly in quantum space, it creates a dissonant sound, an incoherent vibrational pattern. And that is why the healing rite of the Holy Spirit consists in restoring the harmonic vibrational patterns within us on all levels with its sacred spells based on the Universal Laws of Creation and Divine Light.

The Holy Spirit carries the sound harmony that poured out from the Universal Source at the very beginning of Creation. Thus, in this healing journey we go through a sacred re-tuning and re-harmonizing rite performed by the Holy Spirit through the universal quantum field. So, at the end of this inner journey we can build a new future for ourselves and for our loved ones.

We wholeheartedly welcome you to this remote healing journey!

With Love,

Bea and Anikó


This session is offered under the SHOP tab on our website as a “Product” and you can go there to register and pay for one of the date options. The price for this Mystery Play and Remote Healing is $98 USD. We ask for a minimum of ­­­7 participants and a maximum of 18 for each date that the Mystery is offered.

For available options, please click HERE.

We will need to know exactly who will join and from what address and part of the world, so we can focus on each participant remotely. During your checkout process – similar to the Antares-Code data sheet – we’ll ask for some data and if possible, we would be very happy for a picture of you which is very helpful for the remote attuning. This won’t be obligatory, of course.

To participate in this, we have prepared a Dropbox page. A link to that will be sent prior to the session. When you register and pay you have “purchased the ticket” to enter this Healing Sanctuary for the Guided Meditation and our remote healing work with you, at your specified date and time.

Some more information will be sent in an automatic confirmation letter from the address, so if you cannot find it, please check your spam and promotion folder as well. And 1-2 days prior to the event you’ll receive another email with the Dropbox link and password in it.

Please note that the password to enter will only be activated shortly before the session because it is not appropriate to listen to this Guided Journey without our remote work and before the Mystery Play is started together.

We are very happy and excited that now we are ready to offer you session 2 as well – when we’ll work on your mental and karmic level with the close guidance of the Holy Spirit.

We hope that many of you will join and experience this wonderful and sacred journey!

Blessed be


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