11th August 2022

Let us share our video under the beautiful stellar influences of the Big Dipper, created from one of our poems – The Message – written in our book ‘Calling You’, and let your heart be touched by these words sent from Soul to Soul! Hope you’ll enjoy it, and if you like it, please feel free to share it! With love Dr. Beatrix Czeizel&Anikó Greskó Made by Emese Szabados Written and recited by Beatrix Czeizel Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke, Read more…

The Big Dipper’s radiance… – 10th August 2022

(August and September 2022)  There seems to be a “window of light” opening to us from the stars to carry us the message of the Christ Soul and the related celestial community. During August and even in September, the Sun will gradually come into conjunction with the stars of the Big Dipper, one by one, as if a special star-dance began between these extremely important sacral stellar spheres and our Solar System. The light beams of the Big Dipper’s stars (the inner Read more…

Regular Saturday joining – 6th August 2022

Dear Sisters and Brothers,  It’s Saturday again, a new possibility for the awakened Lightworkers living all around the world to meditate and pray together and to collectively create the turning of the current processes for the purpose of a future born in light on Planet Earth. That’s why it is such a heartwarming feeling to know that there are more and more small groups created in our country and all around the world every week, who experience our meditation called Read more…

Regular Saturday joining – 30th July 2022

30th July 2022   Dear Sisters and Brothers,   It’s Saturday again, a new possibility for the awakened Lightworkers living all around the world to meditate and pray together and to collectively create the turning of the current processes for the purpose of a future born in light on Planet Earth. That’s why it is such a heartwarming feeling to know that there are more and more small groups created in our country and all around the world every week, Read more…

The Celebration of the Day out of Time and the Ceremony to Offer Love and Thanks to Water

José Argüelles – who launched the Harmonic Convergence wave in 1987 – and his followers, the group that carries his spiritual heritage consider the 25th of July as the Day out of Time – according to their version of the Mayan calendar. It is like the pause between taking breaths, the mystical passage between the Mayan year that is just ending and the New Natural Time Year that is starting on the 26 July. The passage in which we can get a glimpse of Read more…

Regular Saturday joining – 23rd July 2022

Dear Sisters and Brothers, It’s Saturday again, a new possibility for the awakened Lightworkers living all around the world to meditate and pray together and to collectively create the turning of the current processes for the purpose of a future born in light on Planet Earth. That’s why it is such a heartwarming feeling to know that there are more and more small groups created in our country and all around the world every week, who experience our meditation called Read more…

22nd July 2022

Let us celebrate together on this day Mary Magdalene the true love and soul-mate of Jesus whose spiritual legacy has been recognized officially by the brave hearted and wise Pope Francis who elevated the day long set aside for a memorial to Mary Magdalene into a feast day. This basically lifts her to the level of the apostles, even the „Apostle of the apostles” and consider her the 13th evangelist. We worked a lot for this awaited moment to come Read more…

17th July 2022

We would like to call your attention that during these days (17-21 June), the Sun comes into conjunction with two stars of the constellation Felis Minor (that was recognized as Canis Minor before) next to Orion, the shiny realm of Procyon and Gomeisa, which we described in our book Stellar Nations – Soul Families as follows: “This world is strongly attached to the Egyptian culture too, where the cat and the felines have been honored as extremely special sacred animals, Read more…

Regular Saturday joining – 16th July 2022

Dear Sisters and Brothers, It’s Saturday again, a new possibility for the awakened Lightworkers living all around the world to meditate and pray together and to collectively create the turning of the current processes for the purpose of a future born in light on Planet Earth. That’s why it is such a heartwarming feeling to know that there are more and more small groups created in our country and all around the world every week, who experience our meditation called Read more…

The calling from our inner center… – 13th July 2022

We should pay close attention to certain stellar influences in the present and coming period again as we can lift the vibration level of our days much higher then. Further stellar rays of the Unicorn Stellar Nation will come into conjunction with the Sun, which will thus strengthen and activate their affects and bring their messages closer to us.  Between 10 and 15 July, Castor and then from 14 to 19 July, Pollux will be aligned with the stellar bridge Read more…

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