Dear Stellar Sisters and Brothers,

We would like to share the great news with you that our book called Stellar Nations – Soul Families, which is the Cosmic History Chronicles of the Milky Way Galaxy, that was the winner of the 2017 International Excellence Body, Mind, Spirit Book Awards® in the New Age category, has been translated and released in German as well in a beautiful e-book format. PDF, epub and mobi files are available in case you have Kindle E-reader. Meanwhile our new German website is now open for visitors offering all necessary information about our books and the stellar horoscope called ©Antares-Code.

We would highly appreciate if you were our open hearted Pegasus messenger passing and sharing this uplifting news with your German speaking friends with spiritual interest.

Here you can find the introduction of our Stellar Nations – Soul Families book:

“This book carries an exceptionally powerful and unique teaching. It invites you to take a magical spiritual journey into the realm of the galactic myths. Unicorns, Angels, Dragon Warriors, Winged Lions, Pegasus beings, Dolphins and Whales, Fairies and Elves, teachers of the Melchizedek consciousness, healing priestesses of the Goddess, messengers of the Christ consciousness and many other mythical beings come to life as realities within ourselves. By the end of this book, each one of us can recognize that these mystical beings are not only participants in our fairy tales and dreams, but they work within us as soul-rays; invisible principles, mission-codes and destiny-shaping stellar forces, which guide our lives.

This extraordinary book outlines the memory of the cosmic history of the Milky Way Galaxy in the mirror of the thirteen Stellar Nations and more than 230 stars. You are awaited by a completely new journey of discovery, something never experienced before – and the final destination is Your True Self! This book is for everyone and it can truly give so much to anyone who has been seeking seriously and walking deeply on the pathway of the soul for a long time.

Everyone can recognize themselves in the communities of the Soul Families. However, those Emissaries of Light whose original life plans and destiny codes include the establishment of multidimensional cosmic consciousness on the planet in service of the planetary Ascension will feel the most unquenchable desire to meet the teachings of the Stellar Nations. The Delegation of the Stellar Nations expressed at the time of the first publication that the future owner of every single book could be seen in advance. And it is outlined in accordance with the Divine Plan when and how one must consciously find the book after certain spiritual preparations. When one is ready to join the initiation and learning experience through which they can become perfectly pure-hearted, aware and conscious participants of the process that is related to the creation of the new energy field of global stellar consciousness, they will read this book and recognize themselves and their true destiny. The seeking soul can only resonate to this book when the moment predetermined in their life plan arrives and their own soul begins to express the beautifully inviting melody that comes from the stars, which suddenly opens their inner senses for the understanding of this knowledge. Thus a cosmic remembering process full of miracles may begin.

This book is eternally true and new layers may be revealed each time in reading it again. New lights may shine on the screen of understanding as if further new particles of our soul are connected to us each time, to become the inner lanterns and principles of our spiritual path. Each recognition and cosmic memory can only be revealed to us when we are ready to receive it and to integrate the knowledge and spiritual codes it contains. Thus it is useful to read this book in a unique way. For the first time, it is important to step into that certain personal remembering sphere, that stellar sanctuary, which the Celestials have already prepared for you. Thus, you should read this spiritual teaching in your own rhythm, from its beginning to its end, because the galactic history is presented in subsequent chapters, each built on the previous ones. You can also make note of the stars in your Antares-Code (explained below) during this first reading. (It is helpful to note this right in the book. So, for instance, if you have the stellar ray of Spica in your first house on Libra, you can notate this right next to Spica, inserting “1st House, Libra”. These notations are very helpful later when you understand more and begin to work with you Antares-Code more deeply.)

After reading the whole book, you should just let the Delegation of the Stellar Nations remain with you and guide you through meditations, dreams, wonderful and cathartic recognitions and situations, maybe through months or years. In the meantime, they might send you different impulses to reread certain chapters. You will find that there will be different details highlighted to you each time.

We wish wonderful and uplifting recognitions and heartfelt experiences to all the Emissaries of Light who resonate to this teaching and whose destiny includes the meeting of the secret of the stellar codes!”

Dr. Beatrix Czeizel and Anikó Greskó

The German edition could not be born without the immense help of a brilliant team. Thus we would like to express our deepest gratitude to István Beran for the translation, for Erzsébet Horváth, Rita Gruber and Erika Schuch for the wonderful editing and proofreading. Our deepest thanks to Szilvia Hanson, Katalin Wührl, Erzsébet Horváth for translating the material our new German website. Moreover many thanks to Emese Szabados for her hard and enduring work while creating the Stellar Nations German e-book and constructing our new website with all its design elements.

Sternenfamilien –Seelenfamilien

Die kosmische Geschichte der Chronik der Milchstraßen-Galaxis

 „Eine wunderbare, revolutionär neue Lehre kam auf dem Planet Erde an, die unser kosmisches Gedächtnis tatsächlich in noch nie erlebten Tiefen öffnet. Sie bietet die Möglichkeit des multidimensionalen Bewusstseins unser Leben, unsere geistige und körperliche (physische) Existenz steuernde höchste Zusammenhänge, die auf galaktischer Ebene vorhandene karmische Vergangenheit und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten zu erkennen.

Selbst wir bereiten uns mit einer außergewöhnlichen Aufregung auf die Vermittlung dieses Wissens vor, dennoch mit tiefer Dankbarkeit in unseren Herzen, von der geistig spirituellen Leitung auf die Übermittlung und Verankerung  dieses besonderen Materials würdig gehalten zu sein. 

Dieses Buch beinhaltet eine einzigartige Lehre besonderer Stärke, die auf eine zauberhafte Seelenreise in die Welt der galaktischen Mythen einlädt, in der als innere Wahrheit Einhörner, Engel, Drachenkämpfer, Flügellöwen, Pegasus-Wesen, Delfine und Wale, Elfen und Wichtel, die Lehrer des Bewusstsein von  Melchizedek, und die heilenden Priesterinnen der Göttin oder die Boten des Bewusstseins Christi und weitere zahlreiche mythische Wesen zum Leben erweckt werden.

Am Ende des Buches kann so Mancher feststellen, dass diese Wesen nicht nur Figuren unserer Träume sind, sondern viel mehr sind sie in uns wirkende Seelenstrahlen,  unser Leben steuernde, unsichtbare Grundsätze, Missionscodes und schicksalformende Sternkräfte. In der Geschichte des Planeten Erde kann sich durch dieses Buch zum ersten Mal die geheime Lehre der 7. Dimension der galaktischen Akasha-Chroniken öffnen, in deren Gesichtspunkt jeder Mensch seine uralte körperliche-, seelische und geistige Sternwurzel erkennen und die Ordnungsgrundsätze seiner Existenz auf höchster Ebene verstehen kann.

Dieses außergewöhnliche Buch zeigt das Gedächtnis der kosmischen Geschichte der gesamten Milchstraßen-Galaxis aus der Sichtweise der dreizehn Sternnationen und von mehr als 230 Sternen, zu denen die Autoren unter dem Namen ©Antares- Code die extra bestellbare persönliche Sternenhoroskope erstellten, durch die jetzt die wunderbaren Lehren der Sterne erstmalig  individuell zu erläutern sind!

Eine früher noch nie erlebte Entdeckungsreise wartet auf Dich und zum Schluss – Du selber!

Dieses zauberhafte Buch entstand mit nahe 100 bunten Sternzeichenbildern, Tabellen mit Sternpositionen, mit Illustrationen der außergewöhnlich ausdruckvollen, mythisch inspirierten Bilder von Philip Straub, bzw. mit vielfältigem Bildmaterial wunderschöner Werke heimischer Künstler, mit Widmung von Szepes Mária.

Wir hoffen, vielen Lichtgesandten in der Erkenntnis ihrer Sternenwurzeln und in ihren Schicksalen wirkenden geistigen Grundsätzen behilflich zu sein.“

Dr. Czeizel Beatrix und Greskó Anikó


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