31st December 2022

Dear Sisters and Brothers, The last day of 2022 has come. It’s time for us to say goodbye to this very important year that gifted us with so many special spiritual experiences, guided by the Stellar Nation of the Unicorns. And the planted dream seeds will continue to grow and gently stretch towards realization. As usual, in the gate of the New Year, it is useful to take some time and look back at the past year and describe what Read more…

Regular Saturday joining – 31st December 2022

Dear Sisters and Brothers,  The last Saturday of this year has arrived which means that it is more than 6 years since we “meet in spirit” on each Saturdays to join our hearts as Lightworkers living all around the world to meditate and pray together and to collectively create the turning of the current processes for the purpose of a future born in light on Planet Earth. That’s why it is such a heartwarming feeling to know that there are Read more…

Regular Saturday joining – 17th December 2022

Dear Sisters and Brothers, It’s Saturday again, a new possibility for the awakened Lightworkers living all around the world to meditate and pray together and to collectively create the turning of the current processes for the purpose of a future born in light on Planet Earth. That’s why it is such a heartwarming feeling to know that there are more and more small groups created in our country and all around the world every week, who experience our meditation called Read more…

15th December 2022

Dear Sisters and Brothers, We would like to inform you that between 14 and 22 December our Sun will travel along the spiral line that represents the tail of the constellation Scorpius as if it infused its golden mantle into the force fields of these stellar lights. As we could learn from the teachings of the stellar nations, there are five stars lined up here – Lesath, Shaula, Girtab, Wei and then Antares, the heart of the Scorpio – and they express Read more…

The fire of the Great Felines – 12th December 2022

Our Sun will be aligned with the star Atria from 10 to 14 December, which shines in the newly recognized constellation of the “Panthera Pardus-Phá”, which forms a heavenly black panther in the pathway of the stellar Nation of the Great Felines. “As we learned it is a very beautiful 7th dimensional star, which is shining at the place of the great Panther’s solar chakra. This is where the deep certainty originating from the law of the right of freedom irradiates from, together Read more…

Regular Saturday joining – 10th December 2022

Dear Sisters and Brothers, It’s Saturday again, a new possibility for the awakened Lightworkers living all around the world to meditate and pray together and to collectively create the turning of the current processes for the purpose of a future born in light on Planet Earth. That’s why it is such a heartwarming feeling to know that there are more and more small groups created in our country and all around the world every week, who experience our meditation called Read more…

The trials of the warriors – 8th December 2022

In the following days, from 7 to 11 December, our Sun will come into alignment with another star of the stellar nation of the Dragons again, which could touch certain inner contents and memories in those who find this quality familiar: “ The Alpha star of the Hercules constellation, Rasalgethi. In Greek mythology, Hercules/Heracles is the hero and great warrior who was given twelve labors by Eurystheus, the king of Mycenae. One of these was the defeating of his neighboring dragon, so Read more…

3rd December 2022

Saturday has come again and so another wonderful possibility for the Lightworkers to join and work together for the destiny of Planet Earth and the realization of the dream of the Ascension by experiencing our meditation called „Creating the Mer-Akai Protective Shield and the New Ascension Bridge” or you can work with our brand new meditation called “The sacred ritual of creating the personal and the collective quantum field” alone or in groups, in Hungary or throughout the world. Let Read more…

The warrior’s fire – 2nd December 2022

In the following days, between 3 and 7 December, our Sun will come into conjunction with Rastaban, a star from the stellar nation of the Dragons and this could bring certain interesting experiences that belong to this pathway and stellar quality. „One of the four stars of the 6th dimensional stellar space that form the head of the Dragon is Rastaban. The fire of the warrior is related here. In fact, the inner fire of the warrior-soul can be reflected in Read more…

The Gate of the Galactic Remembrance  – 29th November 2022

We are happy to let you know that between 29 November and 5 December, the beautiful 7th dimensional stellar world of Antares will come into conjunction with our Sun to open the gate of the galactic remembrance through this powerful stellar portal. The stellar world of Antares is the station of the Stellar Nation of the Angels where the Galactic Akashic Records are held. All the memories are recorded in this collective memory field in the forms of very powerful and unique Read more…

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