About the Authors
The authors, Dr. Beatrix Czeizel and Anikó Greskó, were both born in Hungary in 1968.
Beatrix, being an Aquarius (with Taurus Ascendant and Libra Moon sign) has always been an exploring and searching deep and sensitive spirited being, who has been attracted to healing since childhood. This healing impulse led her to become a committed and persistent seeker, inquiring deeply into the root of human physical and emotional suffering. The turning point for her came in 1988, during her first year of studies in medical university. She was in a serious car accident and her soul departed her body and travelled across the bridge towards the higher realms to decide whether to stay or leave this life. During this time, she had exceptionally powerful visions before her inner eye, which shed light on the real purpose and mission of her life. …
Ever since that day, which came to her as an invaluable gift, the gates of the invisible worlds have remained open to her. Her consciousness has been able to fluidly travel the special bridge that leads to those stellar realms of the cosmic sky, which have been sending their hidden messages through her consciousness and extrasensory perception ever since. Since 1988, and beyond, with the completion of her medical studies as a doctor and homeopath, hundreds of people have visited Beatrix for the clairvoyant reading and special soul healing sessions she performs as a “reader” of the Akashic Records. She has guided different meditation and self-discovery groups, teaching people about the inner pathway towards their own soul and core-being. She is able to help people recognize their true destiny, recover from past life traumas, and step out of the karmic patterns they have carried, so often for many lifetimes. Coming full circle with her childhood ambition, Beatrix’s work brings people into understanding the roots of their physical and emotional suffering. With this broadened perspective one can finally understand the main motivations and principles of their life and can bring their life into alignment with their purpose, thereby gaining a new level of true health.
Anikó as a double Sagittarius is a passionate, dynamic and extremely positive spirit, full of energy, creative power, faith, inspiration and a special healing power, which has probably helped her to always maintain her serenity and faith despite her very hard childhood. Interestingly, her life found its real course after a car accident as well. Although she has always been an open and sensitive, empathetic and generous soul, after the accident she deepened her spiritual pathway even more. She worked with yoga exercises for eight years, read many works of esoteric literature and studied different healing methods, including body work approaches such as shiatsu-massage, reflexology and Reiki. Anikó works with the principles of healthy and environmentally conscious living and from all these influences she has created a special healing method which has helped many of her patients throughout the years in the same vein of deep healing that Beatrix’s work offers.
It is no accident that Beatrix and Anikó’s partnership and collaborative work is so intertwined and fruitful. In this lifetime, they met in 1999 to continue their long and beautiful mission together, which was conceived in their timeless past in the stars and which is rooted in their personal stellar history. This destiny has driven their union and spiritual work together ever since. They have guided many groups and courses together, performed serious teaching and healing work for many hundreds of people, and in 2000 they began to discover the cosmic history of different stellar worlds, starting with an exciting spiritual expedition into the Pleiades, a stellar world that is especially important to them.
At that point, the Galactic Akashic Records began to open in greater depth and the Heavenly stellar forces that guide their spiritual work started sending them more and more messages. This began their process of being guided at deeper and deeper levels to gain insight into the Cosmic Genesis chronicles of the galactic myths. These stories not only reveal the history of our Milky Way galaxy, they are actually the universal guiding principles of our Earthly life as well. During this work they came to the realization that the reason they can open to these extremely powerful stellar memories in their hearts, with the deep cosmic truths they contain, was the very fact that their specific soul mission has been to hold, represent and transmit the stellar consciousness on this planet from the beginning of earthly time. And with this life, this mission has come to a new level and manifested in their life together as teachers and healers.
So following the calling and original mission code of their souls, they have self-published six bestseller books in Hungary. In their first book –– titled At the Gate of Cosmic Transfiguration –– which came out in 2003, they describe the so-called Ascension process and the different fate-alternatives of our planet, with the exciting cosmic history of each of the Pleiadian stars. It has helped many people to recognize their main stellar roots and the related emotional and spiritual qualities they carry.
Their second book –– At the Gate of Cosmic Transfiguration II –– was released in 2004 and it introduced the cosmic history of the Andromeda constellation and of Orion and Sirius. This book also relates the heartfelt and deeply touching story of the Lemurian continent in the early history of our Earth, as well as the interesting and dramatic story of Atlantis.
In 2005, Beatrix and Anikó mastered the Art of Stained Glass. Working with Tiffany Style glasswork provided a medium for them to transfer the messages of the spiritual codes and visions that they were experiencing into matter. Inside the colorful sheets of glass, which reflect almost painting-like images of light even in their plain forms, there lies the pure and simple nobility of the shimmering grains of sand taken and heated up from the body of Mother Earth. They felt that this glass –– which in some mystical way is born of the desert’s sand and metal oxides, forming numerous special colors –– exists in a deep relationship with crystals, semi-precious stones and trees. Knowing that the grains of sand, the crystals and the trees are all keepers of our memory and that in a very special way they are able to perceive the messages of the stellar codes, an inner imperative to create in this way awoke within them.
Then, related to this glasswork, the members of the Stellar Delegation requested that they build a Sanctuary that incorporated this specially coded glasswork. This sanctuary allowed an interdimensional stellar portal to be opened via its crystal dome through which the 7th dimensional teachings of the Stellar Nations could be channeled.
As a result of a serious psychic work of one and a half years in this special sanctuary sphere, their third book was born in 2007, Stellar Nations-Soul Families, The cosmic History Chronicles of the Milky Way Galaxy. This book carries the exceptionally powerful and unique teachings of the thirteen Stellar Nations, spanning the galactic history of the Milky Way Galaxy. It reveals the real meanings and a brand new understanding of more than 230 stars above us, which has never been recorded in the written memory of humanity in such detail and accuracy before. This pivotal memory chronicle, a living book, was released in the English language in 2012, so it is available for a wider audience and is steadily attracting those who are ready to open to living from a broader sense of self.
In tandem with the Stellar Nations material, they also created a unique personal stellar horoscope called the Antares-Code©. This horoscope is the first of its kind and charts the stellar influences and soul family connections that were imprinted upon a soul at birth. This system enables the wonderful teachings of the stars to be interpreted for an individual at a deep personal level. With one’s personal Antares-Code and insight gained about one’s connections to their stellar worlds and soul families, an individual can expand into a broader self-understanding that can subtly begin to make the experience of life more “multidimensional”. The stellar worlds one is imprinted with span the 4th to the 8th dimensions and as one feels into their soul connections along these lines, soul memories and soul purpose emerge and clarify. Over time, one who engages with the Stellar Nations material comes to experientially understand their being as more than just the physical body that is rooted in this 3rd dimensional life. The other end of the root is planted in the stellar realms and coming to know the contours of one’s unique “Stellar Mantle” can be deeply life enhancing.
Their fourth book –– The Galactic and Earthly Keys of the Mystery of the Final Redemption –– was released in 2009. The incredibly sincere deep teachings of this book work almost like cosmic revelations, which can help one find the real and primordial roots of all their sufferings, even from their galactic karmic history. The book comes with four complimentary meditation CDs, which help every reader to go through their own personal final redemption. The resulting recognitions and understanding can bring extremely deep and profound healing and often miraculous changes in the readers’ lives. So through this guided process we can make our own miracles come true in our lives and on the soul level.
The extended and revised version of their books At the Gate of Cosmic Transfiguration I and II was released in 2012, titled Stellar Destinies. The very new and unique treasure added in this edition is the personal confessions of five Andromedan Pegasus souls. From their personal stories, we can learn how these souls had lost their stellar home once, how they had lived among us here in the Solar System and on Planet Earth and how they had finally arrived back, full circle, as Ascended Masters, in order to establish the example of redemption for us with their lives.
As mentioned above, the great work of the two-volume book of truly unique teachings, Stellar Nation – Soul Families was also released in the English language in 2012. Beatrix and Anikó hope from the depth of their heart that this international publication will help the messages of the stars to reach many more people and Emissaries of Light worldwide who are sensitive and open, and resonate with deep respect to this spiritual calling and stellar pathway. In 2017 The Stellar Nations material received such great recognition that was chosen as Winner of the International Excellence Body, Mind, Spirit Book Awards in New Age category! In 2018, Stellar Nations-Soul Families has come out as an e-book in German.
The year 2013 brought another invaluable treasure to the world with the Hungarian release of Calling You. This book is especially resonant with any sensitive and openhearted soul in search of the true meaning and present age message of the Mysteries of Christ. Calling You goes beyond the interpretations of Christ that have been historically offered by the Church and unveils new perspectives on the messages and meaning of the Christ Soul. This has become another bestselling book by Beatrix and Anikó and the authors describe this grandiose and truly heartfelt work as follows:
“It felt as if the Christ Soul and the members of the Holy Family had returned from the stars to entrust us with a long-forgotten gospel. We could read and unravel so many segments from this parchment, while we lifted the joy of this heavenly codex into our heart and our soul. Such ancient and forgotten stories were revealed that speak about the earthly incarnations of the Christ Soul and certain apostolic messengers.
Beautiful secrets were revealed, reflecting the real relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene as the fulfilled fate-mirror of an intimate human and spiritual connection. This new perspective on their relationship enables us to understand the motivations of their mission, the personal secrets of their relationship and the mystical depths of the lives that were born from their sacred union. The true understanding of their lives convey deep spiritual messages and enrich us with many invaluable teachings.
We can also say that through the depths of this special book you can meet and actually feel the essence and inner experience of the Christ Consciousness. This book is structured in a progression of lessons and parables, through real life stories, that offer initiating pathways revealing each of the “Seven Wisdoms” of Christ Consciousness. Thus, the stories are like seeds, expressing the inner content of the seven pillars, the seven mysteries of Christ Consciousness. We all eventually have to turn these qualities of the Christ consciousness into life by planting them into our heart and nurturing them into expression through our beings.”
Calling You was then translated and released in English as well in 2016 with the hope that the holy message of the Christ Soul, Mary Magdalene and Mary can reach many more open-hearted people around the globe. In 2017 Calling You was also released in Russian.
Soon after Calling You was honored as a “Winner” in the “Spirituality: Inspirational” category of the famous 2017 Bookvana Awards – Life, Spirit, Knowledge”.
In addition, Calling You has been recognized in several international Book Contests and became an Award-Winning Finalist in the “New Age” category of the prestigious International Excellence Body, Mind, Spirit Book Awards, and also in the 2016 International Book Awards. It was Runner-Up for Best Spiritual Book 2016 in the Amsterdam Book Festival and Honorable mention in the Spiritual Book category in 2016 Paris, New York and London Book Festivals. It was runner up in the 2016 Shelf Unbound Best Indie Book Competition as well. Moreover, it received a very nice critique from the judges on Bruce Haring’s team at JM Northern Media Book Festivals and from Writer’s Digest judges as well.
In the fall of 2018 the English translation of Stellar Destinies, Volume I was released also and hopefully Stellar Destinies, Volume II will follow soon.
In March 2019, Stellar Destinies Volume I was announced as Winner in the New Age category and Finalist in the Angels & Spirit Guides category on the prestigious 3rd International Excellence Body, Mind, Spirit Book Awards.
The next step was to release Stellar Destinies Volume I and II together in a beautiful e-book (in 2024) with the vast information about the Galactic history of the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, Orion constellations. And sharing the very important and unique stories of the ancient continents of Lemuria and Atlantis. Moreover some beautiful spiritual pearls are revealed and shared about the long forgotten stories of the Lemurian Island of the Stars and about the Island of the Crystals in the South bay of the Pacific Ocean.
In 2021, the authors released their latest book titled Pearls from the Cosmos in Hungarian with some beautiful new teachings about the Ascension process and it’s next gate, and about the Celestial communities of the Alliance of Light beside many more spiritual pearls from the cosmic knowledge. Some parts of this book were released in three different e-books in English already.
In 2022, the Stellar Nations – Soul Families book has been translated and published in Slovak which gained such appreciation and interest that a beautiful gathering started in the Slovak and Czech Republic, thus this central European spiritual community around Hungary became really strong and enriched by the codes of stellar consciousness. This led to the translation and publishing of Stellar Destinies in Slovak language also in 2023. Following their plans the next step was to release the Slovak edition of Calling You, which happened in 2024 August.
During 2023 another great step conceived via Leslie Shankman, Bella Alvaran and Davyd Farrel and through their cooperation in the Quantum Planet World site and community which led to the birth of the Spanish translation and publication of the Stellar Nations material in an e-book format. Meanwhile several exquisite podcasts were born on each stellar nation which can be reached through their website: https://www.quantumplanet.world/.
Meanwhile Beatrix and Anikó have released more than 100 guided meditations, some of them in English and with Slovak interpretation. More of these guided meditations will be offered in English over time.
They offer some unique remote healing sessions online in English, Hungarian and in Slovak language as well. You can learn more about these profound spiritual and healing experiences on their websites.
You can find more information about their books, meditations, spiritual and Tiffany artwork on their website: https://stellarnations.com/ and https://csillagnemzetsegek.hu/ ; https://hviezdnerody.com/ ; https://sternennationen.de/ ; https://nacionesestelares.com/
Finally let us share some interviews with us that you can find on Leslie’s beautiful English Stellar Nations website which offers a wonderful possibility to have direct contact and share personal experiences:
Recently Leslie released a beautiful podcast where she shares the basic principles of the concept of the 13 Soul Families within the Milky Way galaxy from our book, which expresses the stellar origins of humanity and all earthlings, so we can all relate to this special teaching and find ourselves in the most possible depth. We live within a vastly immense organism that has consciousness and order. When we recognize the stellar rays within ourselves, we expand Planetary Consciousness towards a Stellar Consciousness, which recodes our Collective Consciousness and this can be one of the tokens of the planetary Ascension as well.
Please welcome and enjoy this new awesome podcast which can be good to start with: