This time we would like to call your attention to a very nice constellation that will permeate the following days with its gentle lights. Two initiating rays from the pathway of the Stellar Nation of the Cosmic Humans will become subtly aligned with our Sun – the two stars of the constellation Virgo, which we described in our book titled Stellar Nations – Soul Families as follows:

“Through the constellation of the Virgo, the female stellar nation holds the healing of life in its hands, through which the Goddess asks the humans to heal Her creatures.

One of the stars that belong here, as female initiating stations is located at the womb of the Celestial Virgin. It is the Delta star of the Virgo constellation, which we call Auva.

It becomes aligned with the sun between 3 and 7 October.

It can be said that the healing of the children starts out from here in fact. We can ask for the protection of the children, and some healing energy for them. For example, a mother at the sickbed of her child can pray to this star for help, and the initiating code originating from her previous experiences on this star can provide that wonderful and mystical phenomenon that the mother – often without having an idea of how – can gain tremendously great energies from her heart, in a mystical way, and from her womb, by which she can truly heal her child. Or this is how it works when she just takes her child in her lap and cradles him or her, while from somewhere inside, from her body and soul, and actually from the area of her womb – from the eternal chalice –, a nurturing source of vitality, a wonderful vital energy and healing power emerges in her and flows towards her child.”

Another wonderful ray of healing energy is projected towards the healing being of the women from the Gamma star of the Virgo constellation, which is called Porrima or Carmenta – and it will be in conjunction with our Sun from 1 to 4 October. It is placed on the Virgin’s left hip. This is a ray that nurtures all the children, all the beings as if they were its own, so again, the healing power is represented by the attribute of the cosmic mother, by the expression of the compassion and unconditional acceptance. This is a more global and general sense of life, an instinctive and sincere attitude, guided by which the person can turn towards the animals, the puppies, kittens and the animal cubs, the plants or any other creature with the same nourishing love, and s/he can lean to them by compassionately sensing their possible pain or injury; and s/he can heal all life with this special feminine empathy. As if through this star, somehow the Goddess asked the women of the Stellar Nation of the Cosmic Humans to heal the creatures of the universe, wherever they may go – and if they see pain, they should lean close and heal that!”

So these stellar rays will accompany our coming days, in which this exceptionally pure transcendent and at once humanly, motherly energy from the Sacred Great Mother can be the companion, caretaker and healer of all human children and all the innocent, suffering creatures. The children especially need the protection, the pure and true guidance of the Light in this heavily manipulated world anyway, of which they are the most endangered generation now. And we can become the pure-hearted transmitters of this energy through our words, consciousness and tender healing touches. …

With love,

Dr. Beatrix Czeizel and Anikó Greskó

Artwork by Debra Bernier, many thanks to her.

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