As we are preparing for an extremely important year, we would like to share some guidance in the opening of 2021 to help in preparing consciously for it.

As many of you know from our book called “The Reality of the Ascension Gate and How to Prepare”, a local time cycle has been attached to the time experience of the Earthly reality, like a parallel life plane after December 29, 2007. This was given for us for the advancing of our spiritual awakening and the collective evolution. From the Celestials’ perspective it could already be seen from that time that unfortunately the critical mass would not be reached for the planetary level Ascension, which was planned and hoped for by the date of 12.21.2012. – based on the Mayan calendar and other prophecies. Thus we received more time and more possibilities from the Creative Source for our development and the maturing of our hearts, for reaching the vibrational level of the Christ Consciousness – along a program, a very precisely outlined Divine Plan.

The special importance of this year ahead is that we have arrived at the last year of the New Time Cycle that began on December 29, 2007. In this sense, the year 2021 will be the spiritual overtone of the year 2012, and the initiations it will present will bring back the trials of 2012 as well – but on a higher octave.

In the mirror of the destiny plan that was revealed after the Global Fate Correction, back in 2007, we described this year as follows.

2021 will be completely permeated by the 13th Stellar Nation – the voice of the Holy Spirit, the highest-level Divine Fate.

High level personal and global fate corrections will take place in 2021, and even galactic corrections of fate, which can deliver miracles at any moment, with many great recognitions.

Of course, the depths and the confrontations will be inevitable as well – heavy confrontations, the experiencing of our pain upon recognizing our mistakes of the past and the present – but the catharses of our purification can lift all of these up into the Light.

The highest level personal and collective destiny will be at work and it will try to move every Lightworker, every awakened soul towards the recognition and fulfillment of their fate and role in the Ascension, along a very precise inner Divine Plan. …”

So the year 2021 will be ruled by the 13th Stellar Nation – we know that this is the beautiful pathway on which the highest mystery of the Holy Spirit unfolds. The holy emanation of the Breath of the Absolute pours out and as the voice of the highest-level Divine Fate, it will permeate the space of Planet Earth. A global and at the same time personal level fate correction process will begin. Every human being on the Earth will be reminded of their original Divine Destiny and the vision of the life path their souls had planned to unfold in the chosen life plan.

On the other hand, the Holy Spirit is the omnipotent, ever present, ungraspable and invisible Divine substance, the light-substance that constantly connects every creature with the Creative Source. It is the cohesive force that holds the Universe together. It is the lantern that is always there to remind the creatures – who have emerged from the Universal One for an individual life – of the Light and the Returning Home. Therefore, one of the key motives of the Holy Spirit is the art of Surrendering and Flowing with the ever-present time and the state of being. It is a very different experience of the depth of Faith, in which we inhale the Holy Spirit through the sacred ritual we released in our meditation called Santé di Om. We anchor the 4 pillars of the Temple of Christ in our Hearts and then we invite the Holy Spirit upon the altar of our Heart and we let ourselves be guided and inspired by It.

So if we surrender ourselves completely to this ritual, from that moment, we have to follow the flow of our Life, with its whirls and even whirlpools, because viewed from a higher perspective, this is the shortest pathway we can reach the greatest experience of light and thus come to resonance with our Divine Destiny again. We also have to learn the creative process, which can be manifested upon our uniting with the Holy Spirit, with our Highest Divine Destiny that is. We have to create by following the principles and impulses of a much less wanting and a much deeper surrendering attitude, an intuitive presence and sensing, because these can be the greatest help for us.

Of course, this does not mean taking up a naïve and passive miracle-waiting state at all. Sometimes the word of Fate can demand very drastic turns from us, deep immersions in the river of changes, often with serious letting go processes and the makings of enforced and clarifying decisions – because it is possible that this might be the only way for us to get back on our original destiny track after all the unnoticed detours we might have made.

We may also be aware that on a global level, the polarization that took place in 2020 can be intensified. The gap is widening between the 3rd dimensional earthly plane experience and the parallel 5th dimensional life sphere – like we presented it in our Mer-Akai meditation for example. Thus, in the last year of the New Time Cycle, every conscious soul must take an even stronger stand on which reality they want to define themselves in, which reality they want to choose to mature and balance their heart and consciousness in.

This is at once one of the greatest beauties and hopes of this year. We have to learn the mystery of quantum creation – working together with the omnipotent energy field of the Holy Spirit, we have to project and anchor the lightful quantum print of our New Self, the dreams, plans and desires coherent with our Divine Destiny. From the vast cosmic ocean of possibilities, we can choose and create a completely new concept of ourselves and our lives, in which there is perfect physical health, happiness, love, harmony, the feeling of fulfillment, abundance and wealth, and which can lift us higher up towards the vibration quality of the Christ Consciousness on the levels of self, partnership, friendships, family and community dynamics as well expanding our view towards a planetary and stellar consciousness.

The unlimited resource of the Creator/Creatress’s universal dream field, the Universal quantum field, the Breath of the Absolute is available for us through all these, we just have to be brave, free spirited and faithful sovereign beings enough to use this almost ungraspable possibility.

We wish from our hearts and we create for all of us to succeed in living this year on the highest possible vibration level, because we would then be able to lift the destiny of our planet up as well, towards the healing and redemption, through our united prayers and the creations we start together in the unified quantum field.

With love,

Dr. Beatrix Czeizel and Anikó Greskó


Artwork by Daniel B. Holeman –, many thanks to the artist!

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