On global Earth Day – which is even more significant this year – we can celebrate together the wonderful living space that humanity has been given as a gift, and remember our shared responsibility to be stewards, worthy and conscious maintainers of the balance of life on this planet.

At such times, of course, we are also confronted with our mistakes and our collective sins against Mother Earth, so it is really a wake-up call to step back into our original destiny and purpose and learn to live as Gaia’s sustainers and healers. … 

It’s really nice that Earth Day this year falls on our usual Saturday joining as Emissaries of Light, when we can work to expand the field of light of our interconnected hearts by experiencing our meditation called „Creating the Mer-Akai Protective Shield and the New Ascension Bridge” or you can work with our meditation called “The sacred ritual of creating the personal and the collective quantum field” alone or in groups throughout the world.

So let’s meet in our souls today again, at any time between 5 and 10 PM (CET) or whenever you can. 

May this collective meditation bring wonderful and blessed experiences and an enlightened enrapture for all of us! Let us embrace our home planet with our deepest love, respect and conscious care!

Love and Light 

Dr. Beatrix Czeizel and Anikó Greskó


(The meditations can be purchased via our website in MP3 digital version:

Creating the Mer-Akai Protective Shield and the New Ascension Bridge (ENGLISH language)

The Sacred Ritual of Creating the Personal and the Collective Quantum Field (ENGLISH language)


Image by Whendell Souza, many thanks to the artist!

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