Dear Sisters and Brothers,


It’s Saturday again, a new possibility for the awakened Lightworkers living all around the world to meditate and pray together and to collectively create the turning of the current processes for the purpose of a future born in light on Planet Earth.

That’s why it is such a heartwarming feeling to know that there are more and more small groups created in our country and all around the world every week, who experience our meditation called „Creating the Mer-Akai Protective Shield and the New Ascension Bridge” or you can work with our brand new meditation called “The sacred ritual of creating the personal and the collective quantum field” in a soul-to-soul connection, because we have our spiritual and heart-power to help Gaia and our human world in this!


We call on you to offer today’s joining again for strengthening our human alliance and for creating peace and balance with our united spiritual power in the war situation between Ukraine and Russia, that has been deliberately pre-planned and artificially unleashed following a series of provocations by the Power Elite. It is only in the interest of the elite to arm themselves and the world, and create more profit from each war that they launch from the shadow, while the fear propaganda can find a new playground. But meanwhile the “little man” and even the Cosmic Humans with galactic consciousness want to live in peace and in Unity Consciousness! So today we are devoting, among other things, to reaffirming the idea of creating world peace!

Let us share our latest video for this day:


The Prayer for Ascension:


(Author and voice by Dr. Czeizel Beatrix

Video made by Emese Szabados

Music by Christopher Lloyd Clark,


So let’s meet in our souls today again, at any time between 5 and 10 PM (CET) or whenever you can.


May this collective meditation bring wonderful and blessed experiences and an enlightened enrapture for all of us!

Love and Light 

Dr. Beatrix Czeizel and Anikó Greskó


(The meditations can be purchased via our website in MP3 digital version:

Creating the Mer-Akai Protective Shield and the New Ascension Bridge (ENGLISH language)

The Sacred Ritual of Creating the Personal and the Collective Quantum Field (ENGLISH language)

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