January 2, 2022, 7:33 PM, Budapest (UTC+1)

 With a very exciting and empowering constellation, we can begin the year 2022 under the lights of Capricorn New Moon, which is full of positive and encouraging messages that we can incorporate into the year-beginning moment of projecting our creative dreams.

According to the Akasha Chronicles, the year 2022 will be under the spiritual guidance of the Unicorn Stellar Nation, which could mean that the year of unleashing the multidimensional creativity inherent in human life begins at an even higher and more nuanced level than we have known so far.

This may affect newer keys to operating the creative visualization’s ability to manifest, and the unicorn codes also suggest that new discoveries, even “big encounters,” are expected in relation to soulmate relationships.

At the level of creation, we probably need to create a “masterpiece” that can also affect the level of personal self-realization and the common shaping of the collective earthly reality scenario by mobilizing our spiritual forces.

We have already received countless wonderful and powerful keys to this in recent years, so we look forward to this year with excitement and joy, opening ourselves up to accept newer creative keys.

A really beautiful reflection of this start to the year is the positive, courageous, confident, determined and faithful Lion Ascendant seen in the Antares code of the Capricorn New Moon today. Also very encouraging is the Ascending Moon Node rising in the 10th House in conjunction with Ceres, which can symbolically represent the image that our “self-created oeuvre” driven by the inner driving force of our Divine Fate, is about to manifest and present itself on the stage of our lives this year. Thus we receive this dream, as a sprout of life, with the motherly care of our souls and allow it to grow, mature, develop until we reach the gate of manifestation. In addition, all the rays of the constellation of the Pleiades are projected with a supportive presence, especially the ray of Alcyone, which also belongs to the stellar nation of the Unicorns.

Another beautiful treasure of this period is that the most beautiful star of the Unicorn path, Fomalhaut, is just passing along with Jupiter, complemented by Sadalmelik’s ray of promise. At the time of the new moon, it is all about the 7th House, which draws attention to the possibility of a new wave of creation at the level of relationships.

Finally, it is really nice and promising that although the Sun and Moon meeting in the sign of Capricorn would usually require a kind of seriousness, discipline, systematic creation, after all this is happening in the 5th House this year – and with the addition of Venus and Vesta – it unfolds the suggestion that we are now beginning this year by CREATING WITH JOY and creating joy! Creating in the sense of freedom, lightness and not in trying to make more efforts, because it only breeds anxiety and doubt and reminds us of what we still experience as a lack. A much more important approach would be to simply elevate ourselves to the state of being in which we already see ourselves in our dreams brought to life in the here and now, and to feel the joy of life and the feeling of fulfillment inherent in the realization of our projected dreams.

With this stellar message, we want to open this year and help you to tune in to the joy and experience of your creative freedom!

With love

Dr. Beatrix Czeizel and Anikó Greskó


Image: Steve Roberts, grateful thanks to the artist!


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