23 May 2021, Budapest 1:46:13 AM (UTC+1)

The atmosphere of a feast is in the air, permeated with a wonderful and deep spiritual content – as it is the time of the coming of the Holy Spirit. This moment was the turning point in the apostles’ lives as well, this is when they became able to recognize and truly accept their own Divine Destiny – by receiving the Holy Spirit.

This was the actual time when they really stepped onto the sanctified pathway that had been laid before them and when they truly recognized the footprints their Master had left behind and which had always shined before them on the way. This was the point when they gathered enough courage for the task and when they felt the possibility and the ability within themselves for making the miracles happen and for all the healings and preaching they were yet to perform, and maybe this was also the first time when they dared to take on the burden of the testimonies. They were filled with the inner glory of the Holy Spirit and they no longer felt like outsiders, they no longer considered themselves small, frail, unworthy and incapable of the holy mission they had been called to. So this is the mystery the members of the current earthly community of the Lightworkers need to reawaken in themselves in this year again. It can be very helpful now if you listen to and experience the wonderful ritual of the correction of fate, which we shared on our meditation CD titled “Sante di Om” related to the 13th Stellar Nation. We recently released this wonderful meditation in English as well which can be purchased through our website:

Santé di Om – The Correction of Fate (ENGLISH language)

This is all really nicely reflected in the Antares-Code of the feast of Pentecost, too.

Neptune, standing on the Pisces Ascendant reveals the moment of the descent of the Holy Spirit, at dawn on May 23. This infinitely pure and subtle Divine quality, the Breath of the Absolute sends light into our world through that, so that those with eyes may see and those with ears may hear and those with a true and sensitive heart may open it even wider. Thus a bridge of light may be born out of it, through which everyone can connect with the true Divine Destiny of their own Soul, which they had been born to fulfill upon the Earth once.

Further to these, we can gain very important inspiration and spiritual energy by reading the 13th chapter of our recently published book, titled “Calling You”, which reveals the true secret of the Ascension and the Pentecost to us and in which the wonderful priestess being of Mary Magdalene comes to a completely new light. Because through Christ’s revelation we could learn that Magdalene had a much greater role in this holy process too, than what has been remembered by humanity through the past 2000 years.

On the other hand, Pentecost has another important message, that the Holy Spirit belongs to everyone, it speaks to everyone and it can fill us all up with the experience of the Divine completeness if we open ourselves for it and receive the universal creation codes of the Breath of Creation.

All people can now enter the temples hidden in their own hearts where the Christ Soul and Mary Magdalene can help them to realize the miracle that can come to life in every creature by the ritual of receiving the Holy Spirit. Because it is through the work of the Holy Spirit that the unity above all; the Oneness and the spiritual community is born that connects every being invisibly and it binds us to the Light-heart of an incomprehensibly greater reality, beating to the same rhythm, so that we shall recognize one another there – and greet the God and the Goddess within one another. ….


Dr. Beatrix Czeizel and Anikó Greskó


Image by Hans Georg Leiendecker, Many thanks to the artist!

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