20 March 2021, 10:38 AM, Budapest (UTC + 1)
With the celebration of today’s Spring Equinox we enter the next astrological year, so let us gather new momentum and gain new strength so that we may completely surrender ourselves to the experiences of the following development cycle.
Every year, this is the point when the Kundalini Light-Snake of the Earth returns from its journey to the stars to fertilize life with the message of the new collective codes of fate. So it is especially important to experience this Spring Celebration very consciously and to be able to receive the heavenly messages and voices of Mother Earth.
Let us celebrate together soul-to-soul and be open for the collective and personal life programs that want to reach us in this year under the spiritual guidance of the Stellar Nation of the Whales!
The Spring Equinox celebration day falls on our usual Saturday joining by working with our meditation called „Creating the Mer-Akai Protective Shield and the New Ascension Bridge” or “The sacred ritual of creating the personal and the collective quantum field” in a soul-to-soul connection, because we have our spiritual and heart-power to help Gaia and our human world in this way!
May this collective meditation bring wonderful and blessed experiences and an enlightened enrapture for all of us!
Love and blessings to you all,
Dr. Beatrix Czeizel and Anikó Greskó
(The meditations can be purchased via our website in MP3 digital version:
Image by Psygarden, many thanks to the artist!