Today the stellar realm presents all earthlings and Gaia’s every being with a wonderful creative energy of the Goddess, which opens a beautiful healing and remembering period for us.
Because between 18 and 24 May, Alcyone and then all the wonderful stellar realms of the Pleiades will come into conjunction with our Sun.
The stars that are so dear to our hearts and which radiate such a close and deep sense of home will be lined up one by one: Alcyone, Merope, Maia, Sterope, Taygeta, Electra, Celaeno, Pleione and Atlas. Those who have met the wonderful story of the Seven Sisters from our book titled “Stellar-Destines” – which we enriched by lots of further details through the teachings of the Stellar Nations – may know already what a special and unique moment this is. As if a bridge reached out for us from these cities of Light, as star-islands, to pass on the messages of the stars that the Celestials had commissioned with the supervision and spiritual guidance of the Solar System together with some other stars, from the beginning of the earthly time. The beautiful sanctuary of Alcyone is sending us new messages of the Photon Belt in this year too, which are pieces of the Divine Plan that include further possibilities of the collective spiritual evolution and awakening.
From the teachings of the stellar nations we can also know already that the community of the healing angels, the unicorns, the dolphins, the celestial priestesses of the Goddess and the Divine Human Couple – Áhann and Iota – who represent the most glorious wisdom of the cosmic humans’ pathway speak to us and send us very important teaching, initiating and healing rays through the lights of the Pleiadian stellar realms.
In 2014 this was the time when after a very long time, one of the greatest and most promising opportunities has arrived for dissolving the karmic pain of the “Electra-fate”. And in 2015 on the other side those men of Sirius could experience a tender touch upon their painful memories and disappointments by the Goddess and the mysteries of the Melchizedek consciousness.
These galactic memories will be touched in all the souls now as well who had once been the stellar priestesses of that world and experienced the serious lapse, the hard falling out of their destiny, which we have discussed in detail in our book titled Stellar Destinies. And their onetime Sirian partners and husbands can heal together with them regaining their dignity, pure masculine power and their faith in the sanctity of relationships.
So it is helpful to read that chapter again and it is important now to offer all the physical-spiritual pain, karmic burden, difficult relationship patterns or even magical bonds, which are carried by this specific feminine destiny and common memory of relationship, to the merciful healing that is being spread out right now. A very deep collective level release can take place these days.
So let us be aware and conscious in this too, let our hearts be filled completely with the sense of familiarity, with the experience of finding our home among the stars. Let us be active and do whatever we feel inspired to do, let us connect happily and follow the footprints of the Goddess’s and the Melchizedek Soul’s wonderful initiating process!
Dr. Beatrix Czeizel and Anikó Greskó
Image by Bruce Harman, many thanks to the artist!