We’d like to share with you that during the following days, between 1 and 5 April, Alderamin – the Alpha star of the constellation Cepheus – will progress together with our Sun. We described Alderamin in our book titled Stellar Nations – Soul Families as follows:
“Related to this star we could feel that this is the channel through which the Stellar Nation of the Humans can connect to this ocean. Where the human beings start to understand the meaning of this Celestial, heavenly scene. Where they start to connect with the consciousness and life of the dolphins, and where they begin to relate with the fate-history of the whales, and also with the stellar nation of the Pegasus. As we already know, this area of the Milky Way Galaxy is mainly covered by these two or rather three nations, they dominate this celestial scene, and this place is all about them.
This is where those humans can connect to, who chose to identify with the dolphins beings or the whales, as their own spiritual codes – as the Stellar Human is the “universal chalice of life” –, that they accept these, into their bodies, too. So there are some, who recognize a dolphin being or a pegasus in their soul, or the fate of a fallen angel with the deep desire to find the way Home, inside the whale.
On the other hand, it is also a Gate; through which, during the Ascension – whenever it will be –, the humans can step onto this plane of existence and simply find their way towards the ethereal ocean, so that through our light-body vehicles, we may connect with the dolphins and the whales there, so that they may become our guides and lead us through the lower octave of the fourth dimension, up to its higher level, and then to the border of the fifth dimension. We should keep in mind that when we shall arrive to that point we should ask them for this help!…” (Stellar Nations – Soul Families, p. 317)
We wish you all happy spiritual meetings with these wonderful mythical creatures in the following days, too!
Dr. Beatrix Czeizel Beatrix and Anikó Greskó
Image by: Daniel Eskridge, many thanks to the artist!