Dear Sisters and Brothers,
It’s Saturday again, a new possibility for the awakened Lightworkers living all around the world to meditate and pray together and to collectively create the turning of the current processes for the purpose of a future born in light on Planet Earth.
That’s why it is such a heartwarming feeling to know that there are more and more small groups created in our country and all around the world every week, who experience our meditation called “Creating the Mer-Akai Protective Shield and the New Ascension Bridge” in a soul-to-soul connection, because we have our spiritual and heart-power to help Gaia and our human world in this!
May this collective meditation bring wonderful and blessed experiences and an enlightened enrapture for all of us!
Love and Light
Dr. Beatrix Czeizel and Anikó Greskó
(The meditation can be purchased via our website:
Creating the Mer-Akai Protective Shield and the New Ascension Bridge (ENGLISH language)
There is still a 40% discount on it, so the price of this double CD is $15 instead of 25$ and you can download the two parts in MP3 format!)
Artwork by Whendell Souza, many thanks to the Artist!