Dear Sisters and Brothers,

We would like to inform you that between 14 and 22 December our Sun will travel along the spiral line that represents the tail of the constellation Scorpius as if it infused its golden mantle into the force fields of these stellar lights. As we could learn from the teachings of the stellar nations, there are five stars lined up here – Lesath, Shaula, Girtab, Wei and then Antares, the heart of the Scorpio – and they express the stations of death and letting go. There is a detailed teaching about this in our book (Stellar Nations – Soul Families pp. 444-447) but we would like to highlight here that although this might seem very gloomy, in the lives of most families the process of remembering is inevitable with the coming of Christmas. With the calling of the celebration of Love, we think of all our loved ones and all those who have ever been important to us because we really loved them or they truly loved us. Those with whom our fate was intertwined. And there were some we had to let go or we had to lose along the way.

But the greatest mystery of the constellation Scorpius is the revelation of the illusion of death and this can emerge in the human hearts in a way now that we can awaken to the fact that all those whom we have kept in our heart with respect, love and peace are actually living eternally. They all have gained eternal life and they are always reborn within us during this time, because having completed the pathways of loss and grief, we ourselves give them new life from the renewing power and faith of our heart, from which there is a golden bridge leaning towards them, to the reality of the realm of their soul. ….

And then through the silvery bridge of the stars, heavenly messengers seem to arrive to deliver the news about our loved ones or the ones being away from us, so that during the coming celebration – when all the external noise and unnecessary efforts quiet down, and all the motions become true and made from the soul – we should think of everyone who is important to us and they should all have a place at the set table of our heart. …

So now we prepare, we let go, clean up and try to peel the unimportant so that finally we should only do, we should only say and we should only gather for what is important.

And then the heavenly blessing will surely light up the Celebration with the purest light of love!


Dr. Beatrix Czeizel and Anikó Greskó


Image by Josephine Wall, many thanks to the artist!

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