The Quantum Map of 2021…

As we are preparing for an extremely important year, we would like to share some guidance in the opening of 2021 to help in preparing consciously for it. As many of you know from our book called “The Reality of the Ascension Gate and How to Prepare”, a local time cycle has been attached to... Continue Reading →

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Stellar Messages of the 2023 Winter Solstice

Dear Stellar Sisters and Brothers... In these times of swirling re-arrangement, messages from the Stellar aspects of ourselves shine out as true beacons of guidance. This is well illustrated by the messages coming from the stars that will impress upon us at the point of the upcoming Winter Solstice. These stellar rays show us how we can step... Continue Reading →

Further Male Serpent Stars Revealed

The Male Serpent has a teaching mission. This part of us seeks to climb and master the gates of Knowledge that emanate from the Divine Mind as the 12 orbed Tree of Knowledge and Sciences. From Stellar Nations-Soul Families we learn that the major stations and initiating stellar rays of the Male Serpent Nation are... Continue Reading →

Further Female Serpent Stars Revealed

In 2014 further Female Serpent stars were revealed. Any time further stellar stories emerge it shows us that, on some level, the collective unconscious is ready to see and come to grips with deeper and more complex understandings of the cosmic lapses that have created our shadows. Collectively and individually, we are becoming ready to... Continue Reading →

Further Unicorn Stars Revealed

In 2008, several years after Bea and Aniko had been shown the Unicorn Stellar Pathway, two additional Unicorn stellar worlds were revealed to them. The revelation of new stars and their meanings, which has happened for several of the Soul Families since 2008, reflects that stellar consciousness is starting to become more apprehensible in collective... Continue Reading →

Spread of Stellar-consciousness

Dear Stellar Sisters and Brothers, Let us share the exciting news with our Star Family that we have reached another milestone and that the teachings of the Stellar Nations are spreading to the world more and more widely. As you know, the first edition in Hungarian in 2007 was followed by many reprints, and then... Continue Reading →

The Stellar Pathway of the Bear Soul Family

The Bear Soul Family is assigned with a teaching mission. This part of ourselves is asked to recognize the 7 Wisdoms, the seeds of Christ Consciousness, and to water these seeds into expression as we live through the circumstances and encounters of our daily lives. The 7 Wisdoms are not taught at the whiteboard...they are... Continue Reading →

Interview by our Slovakian Sisters

Dear Stellar Sisters and Brothers! We have already shared with you the joyful news that in October 2022 our book Stellar Families - Soul Families was published in Slovak, which has since then found a wonderful resonance and has resulted in a very serious explosion of consciousness in the field of stellar consciousness, while also... Continue Reading →

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